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Santander is known to fund arms.

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- Santander is owned by Banco Santandar

- The group has been involved in providing significant financial support to the weapons industry. Reports indicate that since 2015, Santander has made available approximately €3.59 billion in the weapons sector.

- Despite having a corporate policy against financing nuclear weapons, Santander has reportedly financed companies within this sector, contradicting its stated policy. This discrepancy highlights a gap between Santander's ethical commitments and its actual financial practices.

At nama, we're strongly encouraging people to re-consider who they bank with. With Santander funding arms through investments and/or loans, it's time to hold them to account by not letting them profit or involve themselves with your money. Banks like Santander have been involved in the murder of nearly 40,000 🇵🇸 Palestinians. It's time to act.

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