Triodos Bank logo

Triodos Bank does not fund arms.

🔔 This could change in future. Get notified if it does and of alternatives for your banking/savings.

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- Triodos Bank, a B-Corp company, sits firmly at the top of many lists of ethical current accounts. Founded in 1980, Triodos champions a new way to do finance that's good for people and planet. It believes that banks should be an active source for good and will only lend your money to organisations that are committed to making a positive social, environmental or cultural impact.

- Sectors Triodos invests in include renewable energy, sustainable farming, education, charities and social housing. You won't find it investing in fossil fuels or other destructive industries such as fast fashion, weapons, tobacco or deforestation.

- The bank publishes a map with details of each investment it makes on its website in the name of total transparency.

- For someone looking for a banking alternative, Triodos is one that can be considered.

At nama, we're strongly encouraging people to re-consider who they bank with. Although Triodos Bank is not known to fund arms, other banks are.

What is nama?

We're building nama, a platform to help unlock wealth building potential for savers, but it's not ready just yet 👀

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