The Co-Operative Bank logo

The Co-Operative Bank does not fund arms.

🔔 This could change in future. Get notified if it does and of alternatives for your banking/savings.

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- The Co-operative Bank has a firm commitment to ethical banking practices, and part of this commitment includes not funding or investing in companies that manufacture or market weapons, including arms companies.

- The Co-operative Group (Parent company) have also been staunchly against engaging with companies from illegal Israeli settlements.

- For those looking for a banking alternative, The Co-operative Bank is one to consider.

At nama, we're strongly encouraging people to re-consider who they bank with. Although The Co-Operative Bank is not known to fund arms, other banks are.

What is nama?

We're building nama, a platform to help unlock wealth building potential for savers, but it's not ready just yet 👀

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