Unlock the potential of your savings

nama is being designed for savers, who have the potential to do more. We're not ready just yet, but let's stay in touch.

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💬 From the founders

Somehow, we've all sleepwalked into losing our hard-earned money.

When we asked people where they keep their savings, we found some common answers. Many store away in their daily bank, while others have a completely separate bank account. Worse still, some use a low-interest savings account with a self-often-forgotten-reminder to donate any earnings.

Sound familiar?

Chances are, if it's not you, it's someone you know.

Ultimately, due to inflation, this behaviour is eroding wealth, rather than building it.

We were in that position too. Our money was sitting in a bank, with us not knowing there was a better place for it. We'd heard of savings accounts and investing, but that came at another cost when we explored them because we didn't know what was right for us, our goals and our faith.

That's why we've started nama.

A way to uncover the potential for your savings, so you don't make the costly mistake of leaving it in places that do not work for you.

We're building, and we'd love for you to join us.

Recent release

Bank icons

Savings Check

Money in the bank will lose value by billions. Gain an understanding of how much your savings will be impacted.

Bank icons

Bank Check

Does your bank use your money for arms? Some banks are known to invest and loan for arms, used in war and genocide.